Thursday, June 25, 2009

Six-Word Memoirs

Legend of the Six Word Memoir:
Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response?
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
Here are some six word memoirs from other folks:

From Kids:
I am going to middle school.
My life is fun and loving.
Eat until you very, very full.
I like ice cream. Try it.
Living life the best I can!
life is temporary...Love is forver.
I trust in Jesus, my savior.
I love ice cream try it now
Toys and friends and nothing else.
Super cool, super fantastic, super awesome
Baby Micropreemie: Miracle
I am nice to people.
Micropreemie: Miracle Baby
Three little words: happy, happy, happy!
I love ice cream. Try it someday.
I never let any one down.
Always thinking of the next chapter.
I love to read and play.

From Teens:
Friends. Horses. Life is so great.
Anything is possible, great I’m dead.
Boyfriend, heartbroken, shatter, confuse, over it.
Friends, books, and laughs = great summer.
Crushes for weeks, girlfriends for years.
Life: good, bad, and in between.
Friends, sports, books, and music = Happiness
Learning to accept my own faults.
The ants are marching they bite!
Dream Smile do Climb Challenge Fight
Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud!
I really like pie. It's true.
Live to tell your own life.
Everyone froze as the sky fell.
Blessings should be shared, not rept.
"My little wild thing," she said.
The lamp told me I'm sane.
Simplicity is the beauty of life.
Be cool and wrap your tool! :)
Life is just one big adventure!
Hey, it's the "spaz", call me!
Travel is adventure. Heart is home.
Swimming in a sea of words.
Read all recipes cook good food.
When I die I will never go.
Books are the only true magic!
You don't type fast, do you?
'Dance like no one is watching."
Friends are like better family.
Long pause, no answer
family, friends, pets, woods, camper, sweet :)
cool, outdoors, laugh, playground, lucky, golden state
Funny, cute, nice, awesome, cool, me
Ready, set, go, played, game over
Amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing
I am my own worst enemy!
Serving God. Loving him. That's it.
Hold onto family, they're needed often.
I never give up. I'm victorious!
Friends, family, forever in my heart.
Reading takes you to different worlds.
Happy enertaning careing kindful fun enjoyful
Miserable, boring, careing, stressful, calmful, tiring
The earth is one happy place
Friends music laughs and good times
Short, sweet, and stil not complete.
I love hime, my Baby Boy
Art and reading inspire me greatly.
An enchanting MELODY full of COLOR
Bike, Hike, Ski, Kayak, Swim Taaahoe
Something, something, curse word, something, something
Can't this six words?
Life's important things - Friends, food, family (From Holland to all our many US friends)
School - Dance - Prom - Sun - Beach - Boyfriends!
Center of attention - Siblings - More Friends
Life's a Line, Make a Circle
B Diffrent (SIC) if its really U
Be Your Best, Do It Right
North America Texas California Europe France Germany
Birth Learning Discovering Curious Exploring Growing
Happy. Waiting. Loved. Preparing. LIFE.
Good Health, Job, Peace on Earth.
Birth Innocent Laughter Exiciment (SIC) Tears Happiness
Baby Show-off Determined Loved Crazy Fun
The rest is yet to come....
What the hell's an aluminum falcon?!
This is one super fantastic Life!
Friends are great, live your life!
Success Balanced with Failure: A stalemate
Friends Laugh Happy Outgoing Dreamer Family
Dance Choir Community Service Girl Scouts
Yes, I'm From a Large Family!
Active, Loyal, friendly, depressing, Fun Fulfilled
fabulongoshamarvelishlywondepipical crazy family reading fun awsome (SIC)
Laugh with Hearth - Enjoy and LIVE
"Taken one step at a time"
crazy learning fantastic unpredictable family miraculous
Never let fear keep you quiet.
Gotta Catch 'em All, check! Done.
Life is for happyness (SIC) and joy
We're a stone the ocean molds
Mexican with a hint of French
Sleeping Crying Joy Fear Friends Growing
Family-The greatest gift of all-
From Adults:
Much too driven to be relaxed
I totally meant to do that
Marry, Terry, Kathy, David- oh my!
First I wasn’t, then I was…
May what is started be finished
Don’t be hateing be creating
Started out rough, ended up fine
All work, no play, not me!
Not ready to check out yet
There’s nothing to do in Placerville
If only I had known that!
So far so good
Blessed with children, family, and friends
I quit, that’s why I’m here
Shut out Big Brother, no TV
Someway, Somehow, this too shall pass
Why? Sadness. Change. Hope. Suffering…Endurance
I still expect to have sandwiches
From here to there, East-West
Better to ask forgiveness than permission
Mother of two-no grandkids yet
A life too full for words
I have lived a very happy life
Ins and outs- ups and Downs
Loving mother of two busy kids
You are what you is
I am still working on it!
Finally retired- still work no pay
Having lots of fun between injuries
I love, therefore I am alive
Not the life I volunteered for
War isn’t hell. War is worse.
Will work for food. Three Degrees.
Hold on, not too fast!-Dead?
Foot in mouth, please pull out
Brain for sale- hardly ever used
She asked and I said yes!
I am unable to explain here
I came, I saw, I fled
Loved every minute of it!
Kids, housework, whine...cheese, crackers, wine
Let’s go have another grand adventure!
Could have paid my library fines!
Hurts like hell; moving ahead anyway!
I like to run with scissors
I love computers, that's life
"Life is hard." "Compared to what?"
Earth: I was here. So what?
Some will...Some won't...So what?
Good talent: Learn to say "Sorry."
Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?
Heartache: didn't get to say "Good-bye."
Necessary non-essentials: umbrella, shoes, lipstick, ex-husband
Your money isn't necessarily your life
Unnecessary necessities:
I love computers that's all
Life's a challenge and then?
Tried to run a good race
May I leave this world smiling!
Never to old to grow and learn!
Living moments one at a time!
My life has been truly blessed
White hair doesn't match mental age
Born to play Bach and bluegrass
I was born, I will die
My daughter calls my stuff "vintage"
So many books, so little time
Happily married to a wonderful man
Mother to three beautifully giggly children
Divorce: it happens...Deal with it!
New Beginnings: Opportunity for happy endings :)
Mom: quintessential problem solver and peacemaker
Inner music first; then the guitar
parents way, so took the highway
Successful at all; happy at none
My life is ordinary; it's great!
Heard her first cry, love forever
Then I found him, love eternal
Carry baggage: more old than new
Many highways led me here today
Here, there, everywhere: Life's a journey
Took the nearest offramp to her
Sit down, listen, share, and do-it!
We still believe in true love
Chives, garlic, beans, peas. Gopher wins.
Winter nights, summer days, hot flash!
pressing on- as I've always done
Discovered Jesus, my savior, my friend.
Living the abundant life. Thanks Jesus.
It started hard, then got better
Mom: mother of multiples, of miracles
Was born and soon will die
Grandmother to four cherub angels
Kids are angels with filthy faces
A cat person with three dogs
I'm not argumentative, but you are!
Tu casa es mi casa, really!
I started slowly, then tapered off
I'm not a complete cynic, yet
Still hoping to find my swing
Driving it like i stole it
Excuse me, are you bossin me?
Yearning for spring, for all eternity
Is it time to eat yet?
Being in charge is way overrated
Life evolved from Jesus to Darwin
Retired- what more could you want
Five cats. What was I thinking?
Read recipes and cook unique foods!
I've sharpened the pencil when needed
Even on clouds; there'd be rocks!
My bologna; is all I eat
Live long enough for grandchildren
Past: learn - Future:plan - Present: live
My hearts immortality is forever untainted!
I am forgiven, loved, challenged, content
Found love, joy, peace in Jesus
Where no man has gone before
I will follow the Lord's way
It's not over till it's over
This library is my favorite stop!
Childhood, marriage, children, grown, travel, childhood
two children- son,daughter, ultimate achievement
Being who I was meant to
I'm Kimmie- wise, loving, wandering inlife
Here today, gone tomorrow, and you?
Happily going overboard in daydreaming dinghy
Horses, dogs first, everything else second
Drink upstream from the Herd!
4 of 3 people, hate fractions.
One year of rest - then Grandkids!
What does Frappe really mean?
Joy sings in Beauty surrounding us.
I eat pozole tostadas - I'm Happy!!
My memory is slowly fading away!
Keeping mouth shut...stuffing mind full
Trust God, Clean House, Help Others
"Whatever, I do what I want!!"
Grimm Fairy Tale - Self-Help - Romance?!
Shampoo. Rinse. Repeat.
You! Rebirth, AaaaHH, Again? Waah Waah!
Sacred tears...seldom reach our eyes
So Many Books... So Little Time!
Laid-off! I begin again here.
Starry nights - romantic flights - infant delights
Beaten. Left. Divorced. Jobless. Starting Over.
I lecture, that's what I do.
Kids, Exhausted, Broke, No Time, Happy
grow learn insight learn grow acceptance
All my life - I should have
I'm Hooked on Fawniks.
Shakespeare, The World Stage, And me!
Dark Chocolate is my only Salvation
Six Words....That's it??... THAT'S LIFE!!!
she and me loves tail wagging
Oh my God! It's not over....
inhale exhale evermore oops gone again
Blood Running, pooling Death confident Waits
Life: birth, suffering, old age, death
I'm never satified with my hair!
A good day is: Whoo-Hoo!!!
Armed with my rose colored lenses
Morning, Tired, Coffee - Night, Tired, Pillow
Mr. Freud, your slip is showing.
Job - No Money, Car - No Gas
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
This is not Being; It's Becoming
I'm Slow But Not Standing Still!
Jane Austen is my home girl
Seventeen of me - Confusing at best
If only I would have known....
Much to say - No one hears
I don't remember a damned thing.
It has been an incredible journey!
Perfect day in Tahoe...summer - book.
BLESSINGS, everywhere we go.
If opportunity knocks...answer the door!!
love loss tears puddle found drowned
yesterday, today, tomorrow - anyone know now
Even God thinks Tahoe is Heavenly....
Being Together = Living With It Apart
I Lived - I Loved - I Laughed
Art/Creativity=Center of my Life
Mom plus Dad=Here I am
Looking back - Can't help but smile...
"Too many cats in the yard"
Happy Household, 5 Sons, Wonderful Husband
Life: Learning - Loving - Listening - Laughing - Living
So Many Women, So Little Time.
Mother's pearls of wisdom inspired me.
A house without books is not a home
I was bad - Now I'm sad
Blame the One You're With
thinkin' drinkin' sinkin' - up for air
Life honoring mother my best move
You only live once - enjoy it!
Cheerul, inquisitive child - welcoming everyday.
I moved to the Georgetown Divide
I'm on Google, therefore -- ergo sum
I sit in gratitude every moment -
Mother Joy Seeker Grandmother Nature Lover
"To be or not to be"
Have the daughter I dreamed of.
Remember who you wanted to be
Success follows work, goals and perseverance
Living my husband's dream in Georgetown
Living on the Divide is Godlike
Life is sweet and very wonderful
I came - I saw - I contributed
I am here and are you
I have a great Jazz collection
Always, Always Step on Sidewalk Cracks!
Life has been good to me
I am having fun so far...
My head is above the water
I'm so glad, I feel free
Reaching out. Living fully. Letting go.
I know; well, maybe I don't.
Dreams to live - I'll start tomorrow!
Rain clouds & sunshine
Ever older yet never any wiser
Exciting, Loving, Caring, Giving, Forgiving, Awesome
Living for fun, want a ride?
I went from Neimans to Lehmans.
Working hard just to stay even
I live for laughter and love
Good books, good friends, good life.
Birds, bugs, flowers, rocks. Nature freak.
How did I get here already!?
As an architect, I plan ahead.
Always do that which is right
Living in the mystery of life...
Oh yes, I'd do it again
Each day is a gift, Live
God! What am I doing here??
A riotous ramble in lifes gardens
Still hoping to find my swing
Let's go have another grand adventure!


  1. Hey there,

    The legend of the "six-word STORY" is from Hemingway, but the "Six-Word Memoir" was created from SMITH Magazine, at We invite all readers to submit there, and be considered for one of our future books. Here's on of them:

    Larry Smith, editor, SMITH Magazine

  2. By far, my favorite one is
    "The lamp told me I'm sane".
    Too funny!!

  3. Eat rice,it is very good.

  4. These are all my favorites:

    Always thinking of the next chapter.

    Short, sweet, and stil not complete
    Be Your Best, Do It Right

    Success Balanced with Failure: A stalemate

    A life too full for words

    Many highways led me here today

    Excuse me, are you bossin me?

    I've sharpened the pencil when needed

    This library is my favorite stop!

    Keeping mouth shut...stuffing mind full

    Starry nights - romantic flights - infant delights

    A house without books is not a home

    I sit in gratitude every moment

  5. Living life with God in it
